E-visa to Kyrgyzstan

We are Kyrgyz Guided Tours LLC is an accredited travel company whose Invitation Letter of travelers to Kyrgyzstan is recognized to issue Kyrgyz E-Visa.

The citizens of India, Pakistani, Bangladesh, and Sri-Lanka are eligible to apply Kyrgyz E-visa along with Invitation Letter from accredited travel agency of Kyrgyz Republic.

To apply Kyrgyz E-visa means that you are no longer required to pay a visit to the nearest embassy to apply for your travel document. Instead, you can apply Kyrgyz E-visa online, and Kyrgyz Guided Tours can facilitate the process for you.

  1. Kyrgyz Guided Tours can arrange
    • - Tourist E-visa for a maximum of 60 days (single, double entries)
    • - Business E-visa for a maximum of 60 days (single, double, multi entries)
    • - Work visa for a maximum of 1 year (multi entries)
    • - Family visa for a maximum of 1 year (multi entries)
    • - Exit visa for a maximum of 10 days to leave the country
    • - Registration for the foreign citizens to stay more than 30 days
  1. What are the required documents to apply?
    • - Scanned passport copy
    • - Application photo 3x4 in jpg format
    • - Contact details
  1. What are the processing times?
    • 1. Standard processing time is 7 business days
    • 2. Rush processing time is 5 business days
    • 3. Super Rush processing is 3 business days


For more detailed information please contact us kyrgyzguidedtours@gmail.com

or +996 701799983 WhatsApp


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