E-visa to Kyrgyzstan

We are Kyrgyz Guided Tours LLC is an accredited travel company whose Invitation Letter of travelers to Kyrgyzstan is recognized to issue Kyrgyz E-Visa.

The citizens of India, Pakistani, Bangladesh, and Sri-Lanka are eligible to apply Kyrgyz E-visa along with Invitation Letter from accredited travel agency of Kyrgyz Republic.

To apply Kyrgyz E-visa means that you are no longer required to pay a visit to the nearest embassy to apply for your travel document. Instead, you can apply Kyrgyz E-visa online, and Kyrgyz Guided Tours can facilitate the process for you.

  1. Kyrgyz Guided Tours can arrange
    • - Tourist E-visa for a maximum of 60 days (single, double entries)
    • - Business E-visa for a maximum of 60 days (single, double, multi entries)
    • - Work visa for a maximum of 1 year (multi entries)
    • - Family visa for a maximum of 1 year (multi entries)
    • - Exit visa for a maximum of 10 days to leave the country
    • - Registration for the foreign citizens to stay more than 30 days
  1. What are the required documents to apply?
    • - Scanned passport copy
    • - Application photo 3x4 in jpg format
    • - Contact details
  1. What are the processing times?
    • 1. Standard processing time is 7 business days
    • 2. Rush processing time is 5 business days
    • 3. Super Rush processing is 3 business days


For more detailed information please contact us kyrgyzguidedtours@gmail.com

or +996 701799983 WhatsApp


Entomological Expeditions in Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan


/ person (200$)




Central Asia – internationally known as a biodiversity hotspot, and perhaps no other country here symbolizes that more than Kyrgyzstan.


Central Asia – internationally known as a biodiversity hotspot, and perhaps no other country here symbolizes that more than Kyrgyzstan.


Kyrgyzstan is for many people in the world a country far away hidden in an unknown region, you can say the butterfly is even more a species hidden in Kyrgyzstan’s nature, it rarely shows itself, the season that the butterfly really flies is short, too short.

The specialists in the study of the butterflies, the entomologists, in Kyrgyzstan have a vast knowledge of the where-a-bouts of the nation’s butterflies, and they share this knowledge of the butterflies sometimes with others. Some butterflies fly only a few days every two years, some occupy only 1 sq. km on a certain rocky slope, so the habitats and habits are a tightly-kept secret to keep poachers from coming in and selling the precious species on the world’s market. 


Entomological Expeditions to the Tien-Shan

Already many years Kyrgyz specialists have organized entomological expeditions. The first expedition was in 1996 to the Alai and Transalai ranges, in 1997 a trip was organized to the Kokshaal-Too range, in 1998 to Sary Jaz and last year three separate trips were run, to Alai and Transalai, Sary Jaz and Baidullu and At-Bashi ranges. The parties have comprised entomologists from England, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, Finland and Kyrgyzstan.


The specialists have considerable experience in organizing international tours. We are able to provide all necessary services so that you will be spared any problems with accommodation, safety, provisions, transport, permits, itineraries etc. Entomologists, ornithologists and botanists as well as general wildlife enthusiasts are all welcome.


  1. Kaindy-Katta and Enylcheck-Too mountain ranges; Kaindy gorge; Sary-Dhaz river basin.

 This trip will be from the 1st to 20th July; the camp will be at 2700-3200 meters. Species found include 6 species of Parnassius, 6 species of Colias, 18 species of Satyrus (Paralasa, Erebia, Karanasa, Hyponephele, Chazara, Coenonympha), Lycaenidae and several endemic types of Carabus and other beetles, also species typical of butterflies, moths and other insects found in Interior and Central Tien-Shan and contiguous territories of China.

  1. Kokshaal-Too range, At-Bashi and Naryn mountain ranges

This trip will be from the 25 th of June to 15th of July; the camp will be at 3000-3400 meters. Species found include 5 species of Parnassius and 6 species of Colias, 16 species of Satyrus (Karanasa, Hyponephele, Coenonympha), also the entire complex of high-mountain butterflies, moths and other insects found in the Kokshaal-Too and contiguous territories of China.

  1. Baidullu (Dolon pass)

This trip will be from the 20th of June to 10th of July; the camp will be at 3000-3200 meters. Species found include 5 species of Parnassius and 5 species of Colias, 10 species of Satyrus (Erebia, Karanasa, Paralasa, Hyponephele), also the entire complex of high-mountain butterflies, moths and other insects found in the Northern Tien-Shan. This trip can be combined with other trips.

  1. Kyrgyz range: Ala-Medin, Shamsi gorge, Alabel pass, Tuya Ashuu pass

This trip will be organized from the 20 th of June to 10 th of July accommodation will be at the altitude of 2400-3200 meters. Species found are the species of Parnassius, 5 species of Colias, 10 species of Satyrus (Erebia, Coenonympha) and some Melitaea and Lycaenidae.

Prices only on request as per expedition purpose


Expedition logistics info:

Each tour will be of 15 -20 days duration including arrival and departure days. If desired, tours of a different duration may be arranged.  This trip can be combined with other trips.

What's included

Services provided:

You will need to bring a small backpack for use during daily excursions. You can bring your own tent, sleeping bag and mattress, or we can supply you with our material (of European standard). You are responsible for all your own collecting and/or photographic equipment. If you wish to collect at night you should bring a portable generator and moth trapping equipment. The expeditions are organized for a minimum group size of two people.



If desired, tours of different duration and itinerary can be arranged according to Your interest, prices by request.

Tour Booking

Submit your tour booking request now. We will contact you to confirm the details